Yes, every child can learn math!

...  also if dyscalculia is in the air.

Children can learn Math well; they naturally develop all kinds of insights, skills, and knowledge.
Their mathematical exploration actually starts quite early

Maria Montessori finds that every Child is its own architect.

Das wollen wir doch erst einmal sehen!! Pah, Lernstörung Rechenschwäche Rechenstörung Dyskalkulie ...

This is and has to be our educational starting point: pleasant and interesting activities from early on and
lots of time to engage playfully in long and repeated exercises

We have to make math learning happen with and for every child, irrespective of a given learning situation or diagnosis. 
Children need mathematical competence more than ever
and they do have a right to learn math!

     Yes, with pleasure! 

my support, and my help to 

        ... children and their parents at home in and around Hamburg's south

        ... children and their parents Online

        ... children and their educators in Preschools and Elementary Schools 

FiL Fachverband integrative Lerntherapie

And, also this ... will be available in english soon!!


Gehirn Motivation Selbstbild Grundschule Matheschwäche

My new book 
... encouraging flouring math learning!


Gerald Hüther - german neuroscientist and author:
„This book is sure of help for many children rediscover confidence in their math abilities.“


A mother: "I wish I had this book as a child."


A 3rd grader:
„I just started to read and already understand much better how I can learn!"

Find more information on the book and purchasing options here!

  ... you can find more of my work in German on Instagram und facebook :

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Mathe lernen, Rechenstörungen vermeiden